Ryan Shepard
About Author
January 30, 2024
Mom Life

10 Tips On How To Dine Out With Your Kids Without Losing Your Sh*t

Alright, let's talk about the daring escapade that is dining out with the pint-sized crew. Picture it: unpredictable meltdowns, strategic Cheerio placement, and a culinary tightrope walk that’s equal parts chaotic and rewarding. As a parent extraordinaire who's practically earned a degree in the fine art of restaurant rendezvous with my tiny sidekicks, I'm here to let you in on the lowdown with a sprinkle of wit and wisdom.

Timing is Everything

Flexibility? Sure, but I swear by nap schedules like they're golden tickets. Take your munchkin out when they're in the sweet spot of (hopefully) good mood territory. Opt for off-peak hours when the restaurant is a bit more zen, giving you and the little rascals some room to breathe. Early dinner or late lunch—cue the confetti.

Be Armed with Distractions

Behold, the bag of wonders! Packed with coloring books, tiny toys, and maybe a tablet loaded with kiddie-approved apps. It's like having a magic wand that transforms potential chaos into a serene dining experience. And if you're toting a tablet, make sure to download those videos—Wi-Fi or not, we've got entertainment covered.

Choose Family-Friendly Spots

Scope out places that roll out the red carpet for your mini VIPs. Kid's menu? Check. High chairs? Double-check. A vibe that says, "Bring on the kiddos"? Triple-check. Bonus points if the men's bathroom has a changing room—you know, teamwork in the diaper-changing game.

Order Strategically

Menu perusal, the strategic edition. Go for dishes that do a swift entrance, are shareable, and throw in a mix of familiar and new flavors for your little explorer. Pro tip: Order the kiddo's food first, and ask for the check pronto to dodge the looming temper tantrum storm.

Snack Attack

Snacks are your secret parental weapon. It's not just about warding off hunger but also buying some precious time before the main course takes the stage. A happy snacker is a content diner, after all.

Engage in Menu Exploration

Turn ordering into a mini adventure. Let your tiny humans dive into the menu, giving them a say in the culinary journey. It's empowerment on a plate and a dash of excitement to spice up the meal.

Plan Your Exit

Strategic seating FTW. Choose a spot near the exit for a swift and graceful getaway if an emergency exit is on the cards. No need to disrupt the whole restaurant—it's the dining version of a ninja escape.

Embrace the Mess

Mess and kids? A dynamic duo. Instead of stress, throw in a dash of humor and a few napkins strategically placed. Suddenly, any spill becomes a dinner table saga.

Patience, Patience, Patience

Stock up on patience. Dining out with the mini squad is an adventure, surprises and all. Take a deep breath, relish the madness, and remember, you're not alone in this delightful chaos.

Clean Up!

As a former restaurant worker, for the love of God, clean up after your kids as much as possible. I get it, you're out to have a good time and you barely managed to make it through you meal in one piece, still, restaurant workers are hardworking people and adding the extra load of cleaning up after you let your kid throw french fries on the floor for an hour ain't it.


So there you have it, fellow parents—my survival guide to conquering the dining scene with your tiny companions. Cheers to many happy meals and shared stories at the dinner table!

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